Meet New File Manager

NPM package and powerful API for calling your file manager and image editor, uploading files, and resizing images.

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List of parameters of File Manager

Due to JS+ File Manager runs in a browser, client side configuring is a main part of adopting file manager for your needs. It will affect to user interface, behaviour and enabled features set.

On this page you can see all File Manager parameters list and their usage example.

Parameters list

skin: string
Default value: flat
Available values: flat, mono, business
Skin parameter will affect to UI appearance: colors, icons and other elements used in the file manager dialog. You can also create your own skin by simple copying and editing standard ones. See more about this parameter on Themes page.
skinMod: string
Default value: night
Available values: depending of a skin
This parameter is used to set modification for used skin. Each skin has a set of modifications which may be applied to it, usually they change skin color scheme. For example mono skin has white, blue, violet modifications available, flat has night, sea, snow ones. business skin has default (empty) and icons2 modification. See more about this parameter on Themes page.
multiSelect: boolean
Default value: true
Available values: true, false
Defines is multiple selection available to user or not. If set to true, user can select many files using Ctrl and Shift keys plus mouse or arrows. onFileSet callback in any case will receive file or files as array, this parameter only can limit its length by 1 is set to false. Only for use in JavaScript widget
showRootDir: boolean
Default value: true
Available values: true, false
If set to false root directory will not be show in the tree.
openLastDir: boolean
Default value: true
Available values: true, false
File Manager stores the last opened directory for each user in his browser cookies. If this value will be set to false File Manager will not select last opened directory on show.
lang: string
Default value: auto
Available values: auto, en, ru
Defines the language of application. All titles in the File Manager will be printed from according language file.
dateFormat: string
Default value: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm
Available values: correct date format in notation of your server side language
This affects to how will be displayed the dates in your files list view. The format notation must be the same as your server side language require. For example for PHP backend you can use this guide to create your date format.
hideCopyright: boolean
Default value: false
Available values: true, false
Copyright in the left bottom corner of File Manager can be removed with this parameter.
fileToolbar: array of string
Default value: ["upload", "|", "preview", "rename", "download", "del", "view", "order", "search"]
Available values: select, upload, preview, download, paste, cut, copy, rename, del, view, order, search, |
File toolbar (the toolbar above files list) will be constructed from the buttons listed in this array. See available values and combine them into one array. Use | preudo button to insert delimiter between buttons.
fileMenu: array of string
Default value: [ "select", "-", "preview", "download", "-", "paste", "cut", "copy", "-", "rename", "del"]
Available values: select, upload, preview, download, paste, cut, copy, rename, del, view, order, search, -
Items for popup menu in file panel. The same buttons as in fileToolbar parameter are available, use - for inserting delimiter.
dirToolbar: array of string
Default value: [ "create", "rename", "del" ]
Available values: download, create, paste, cut, copy, rename, del, |
The same as fileToolbar definition but will be displayed above directories tree. This parameter has its own set of the buttons, delimiter | is also available.
dirMenu: array of string
Default value: [ "download", "paste", "cut", "copy", "create", "rename", "del" ]
Available values: download, create, paste, cut, copy, rename, del, -
Items for directory popup menu. The same list of values as in dirToolbar parameter is available, use - as delimiter.
returnUrlPrefix: string
Default value: blank
Sometimes you need to add the prefix to all selected files URLs. Use this parameter to set it.
Note: applying of this parameter differs between versions. If you update File Manager and see any issues in URLs (i. e. broken links to images), please check this parameter first.

Configuration example

JavaScript widget configuring

JS+ File Manager can be configured by setting parameters on file manager initialization.

The definition of initialization function is:

function init(config, id_or_element)

so you need to change config variable which is passed to JS+ File Manager.

For example you have this initialization code:

      onFileSet: function(files) {
         // your custom code here

and want to set the visual decorations of your File Manager. So your code will be something like this:

      skin: 'mono',
      skinMod: '',
      onFileSet: function(files) {
         // your custom code here

CKEditor add-on configuring

The most useful way to configure JS+ File Manager installed as CKEditor add-on is setting parameters inside config.js file with other CKEditor options. Do it in this way:

config.jsplusFileManager = {
    multiSelect: true,
    showRootDir: false

TinyMCE plugin configuring

JS+ File Manager as TinyMCE add-on is configured by passing required parameters in TinyMCE initialization script like this:

    jsplusFileManager: {
        'skin': 'business',
        'openLastDir': false