File Uploader dialog

File Uploader 2

Upload and insert files and images with the ease

Server side support


Install as microservice
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ckeditor iconCKEditor add-on
tinymce iconTinyMCE add-on
be iconBootstrap Editor add-on
For any CMS and framework
Drupal Drupal WordPress WordPress Joomla Joomla



Backup copies of image originals

If you changed the size of an image and then decided to change it again, what would you do? If you made changes to the uploaded file, File Uploader silently creates a backup copy with a suffix "original" in its name. All JS+ products know about that and can use this file, so as you.


Upload images and files

You can upload any file, but where the component really shines is uploading images. File Uploader is versatile, so it loads any types of files, but for images it also provides a number of additional features including resizing, preview generation and so on.


File sets are uploaded as transactions

Forget partially uploaded sets or even partially uploaded individual files. No more "erroneous file" or "file is in use" messages.
And you don't need to use a database either.


File renaming between upload and commit

Know about naming conflicts even before you click "OK". Then, replace the file or rename it if you want. Works best with the transaction mechanism.


Insert links, images or previews

Uploaded files can be inserted using predefined templates. There are three default presets: an image, a preview that links to the image (with support for LightBox, ShadowBox, etc.), and a link to the file. In future releases integration with Image Gallery add-on is planned.


Resize all uploaded images at once

Specify dimensions you want the images to fit, and optionally, the size of previews, and they will be embedded to the document uniformly.


Seamless integration with CKEditor, TinyMCE, Bootstrap Editor

File Uploader fully supports WYSIWYG approach of content editor and uses their additional capabilities (i.e. drag and drop) at maximum. Also, the add-on has no dependencies making installing a breathe.


JavaScript and TypeScript SDK

Users of the JavaScript version enjoy the API that allows invoke a component of your application using specified parameters. The same API can be used with TypeScript, as well as with any other JS-compatible language.

File Uploader
CKEditor add-on
TinyMCE add-on
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N1ED is united plugin
for all JS+ plugins
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JS+ File Uploader is a versatile solution to upload files and images to the server and to embed them into the edited document. You can resize uploaded images, and insert them as previews or links. You don't need any third-party file manager, because File Uploader is absolutely standalone product.

This component is ideal both for an administration panel for content managers and for the comments form on your website to allow visitors attaching pictures or photos to their messages.


File Uploader is available in two editions:

  1. File Uploader Full edition
  2. File Uploader Lite edition

The Lite edition offers file uploading capabilities without user interface (UI) such as file selection, instant upload and embedding to a document, or error messages. At the same time transactions are supported in full. Ideal when you need maximum simplicity and functionality, for instance, comment forms.

The Full edition contains the same functions as Lite, but also has UI for adding, removing, renaming files and to control uploading speed and other things. This edition is best for admin panel of your website, or as a tool your content manager can use to keep your website interesting for visitors. The Full edition allows using the functionality of the Lite version too, for example, you can use the Full edition in the admin panel, while offer to users the Lite version.

Brief comparison of editions

Lite version Full version
File uploading + +
Transactions + +
Image uploading + +
Preview uploading + +
Uploading by URL - +
Image resize + 1 + 2
User interface - +
Buttons Fast upload an imageFast upload a previewFast upload a file Open File UploaderRelocate file by URLUpload an imageUpload a previewUpload a fileFast upload an imageFast upload a previewFast upload a file
Client side CKEditor, TinyMCE, Bootstrap Editor
Server side PHP, Java. Planned: .NET, RoR, Python
Purchase Lite $39 Purchase Full $59
See bundles inside
1 - set sizes in the config file 2 - set sizes in the config file or via the UI


On the browser side File Uploader is compatible with CKEditor, TinyMCE, and has its own JavaScript widget that effortlessly integrates into any your website or frontend application. Also, the CKEditor edition automatically integrates into Bootstrap Editor too adding specific functionality to the grid editor.

On the server side PHP, Java are supported for now. While .NET, RoR, Python, etc. are planned for the nearest releases. You can use the product in your own applications and in popular CMS including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc. and frameworks (Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symphony, Spring, Play, etc.).