Table Tools
CKEditor add-on
TinyMCE add-on
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The below keys are added directly as a list of passed parameters during initializing the editor (TinyMCE/CKEditor), or are set in config.js. in compliance with its syntax (CKEditor only).

jsplus_table_new_default_add_header: boolean
Default value: false
Available values: false, true
If set to true, a header (<thead> tag) will be added on new table creation.
jsplus_table_new_class: string
Default value: Empty ''
Extra class or classes (separated by whitespace) to assign to the inserted table.
jsplus_table_new_style: string
Default value: Empty ''
Extra styles to assign to the inserted table.
jsplus_bootstrap_table_new_default_striped: Boolean
Default value: true
Available values: true, false
Is checkbox "striped" checked by default. Bootstrap edition only
jsplus_bootstrap_table_new_default_bordered: Boolean
Default value: false
Available values: true, false
Is checkbox "bordered" checked by default. Bootstrap edition only
jsplus_bootstrap_table_new_default_condensed: Boolean
Default value: false
Available values: true, false
Is checkbox "condensed" checked by default. Bootstrap edition only