Joomla Auto Category Accordion Menu
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Joomla Auto Category Accordion menu provides functionality to show automaticaly generated (by category and its subcategories and articles) menu with applying Accordion javascript to it cusomizeble via backend.

To better undestand how this menu works, you are to undestand how works Tree version of this module. In fact Accordion version is the same but with attached Accordion JS to it.

Key features:

  1. Automatic menu generation (this menu does not exist in Joomla "Menu" backend section)
  2. Showing categories
  3. Searching categories' index articles by customizable regular expression
  4. Categories and articles ordering control
  5. Full CSS control of displaying menu: a LOT of various classes assigned to menu items
  6. Customizable filtering features:
    • Filtering by atricles/categories published/unpublished status
    • Root node visibility customizing
    • Category query depth option
    • Ablility to union top levels of menu
    • Ability to hide some menu levels parent of child to selected
    • Hiding by CSS of removing hidden menu items
    • Hiding items in not selected branches
    • Controlling behavior of hiding nodes if no one selected.
  7. Menu shows as vertical folding links list using JQuery based Java Script.


Joomla Auto Category Accordion Menu example screenshot
Joomla Auto Category Accordion Menu example screenshot
Joomla Auto Category Accordion Menu options screenshot