Include CSS & JS
CKEditor add-on
TinyMCE add-on
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N1ED is united plugin
for all JS+ plugins
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Install Foundation Include CSS & JS to TinyMCE

  1. Unpack archived files directly to tinymce/plugins.
  2. Turn on the plugin in initialization script:
    plugins: 'jsplusInclude'
  3. Specify framework (Bootstrap or Foundation) for Include CSS/JS add-on:
    jsplusInclude: {
        framework: "b3" // or "b4", "f5", "f6", "f6x"
    b3 means Bootstrap 3 here.
    This option will affect to all other CSS framework-specific add-ons too.
    Read more about framework option or including CSS framework into the page.
  4. Now you can use your installed plugins. Do not forget to sure that browser cache was cleared.


Optionally, you can configure the plugin for your needs. A number of parameters are available for that. Parameters are a key-value structure that's passed along with the main config of TinyMCE.

Pass the parameters as follows:

    selector: 'textarea',
    jsplusInclude: {
      key1: "value1",
      key2: true

Explore the list of available options to see what settings are available to you.