This add-on is outdated.
You can continue using it, but for new users we recommend to consider installing File Uploader 2 plugin.
Easy File Uploader
CKEditor add-on
TinyMCE add-on
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To configure CKEditor & TinyMCE Easy Image Uploader use these keys in config.js file (for CKEditor) or in initialization script (for TinyMCE).

jsplus_easy_file_uploader_url: URL
Default value: auto detection
Set this URL to specify location of images uploader manually. This option affects to all JS+ uploader add-ons.
jsplus_easy_file_allowed_ext: String
Default value: 'doc,docx,pdf'
Use this option to allow uploading only a set of file extentions. Use '*' as a value if you do not want to restrict it.
jsplus_easy_file_template: HTML
Default value: <a href='{FILE}'>Download file</a>
Inside this template you can use {FILE} code to specify where to insert each uploaded file's URL into template, {FILENAME} - filename part of URL. You can set border, background after adding wrapping div, add text or apply any other transformations to inserted code.
NB! In this template you must have only one root element (img, div or any other), but as many as you want inside it. It is CKEditor's limitation.

Cross domain uploads

Read our manual to learn about how to configure cross site uploads.