This add-on is outdated.
You can continue using it, but for new users we recommend to consider installing File Uploader 2 plugin.
Rehost File
CKEditor add-on
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To configure CKEditor Quick Image Uploader use these keys in config.js file.

jsplus_rehost_file_uploader_url: URL
Default value: auto detection
Set this URL to specify location of images uploader manually. This option affects to all JS+ uploader add-ons.
jsplus_rehost_file_template: HTML
Default value: <a href='{FILE}'>Download file</a>
{FILE} part will be substituted automatically on file insertion.
NB! Always use root wrap element in template. If you do not need one, wrap it with <div>.
jsplus_rehost_file_allowed_ext: String
Default value: '*'
These is default value for this parameter. You can change it as you want (comma separated file extensions) or set it to '*' to allow all file types. Do not forget to configure file types on server side too (jsplus_uploader/config.php).
jsplus_rehost_file_ui: String
Default value: 'singleline'
You can disable feature of multiple uploads. Specify this parameter to apply this UI modification.
If you want to return to standard bulk upload (rehost) interface comment/remove this line or use string multiline as parameter's value.