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Image Editor
CKEditor add-on
TinyMCE add-on
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Image Editor module for Drupal 8

Find a more detailed illustrated instruction with examples here: Installation CKEditor plugins in Drupal 8

JS+ CKEditor plugins themselves can be installed to any CMS or framework you want. But for Drupal 8 all the add-ons need to be wrapped with the Drupal compatible module.

We've prepared such modules. They will help you manage JS+ CKEditor add-ons inside CKEditor: to add/remove new plugins buttons to the toolbar and change all the options using UI in the administrator panel.

If you are on the purchase step, please choose CKEditor edition of the add-ons. Drupal modules are available on this page for free and will work fine in pair with CKEditor plugins.

  1. Download and install Drupal 8 module:
    • Image Editor
    • Modules can be installed and enabled in AdministrationExtend section.
  2. Copy following CKEditor/TinyMCE add-ons (not Drupal 8 modules) into the libraries folder (create the folder if it doesn't exist):
    If this folder does not exist in the root of your Drupal installation, create it.
  3. In order to use our Bootstrap Editor skin in CKEditor, copy be directory into core/assets/vendor/ckeditor/skins.
  4. Go to AdministrationConfigurationText formats and editors and build the toolbar with new buttons.
  5. Uncheck the "Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML" checkbox. Or create your own list of permitted tags below to satisfy all plugins you use.