File Uploader
CKEditor add-on
TinyMCE add-on
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Location in archive: plugins/jsplusFileUploader/uploader/

If you use PHP, chances are you don't need to do anything. The PHP uploader is included to File Uploader package by default and its URL is detected automatically as well as URL of uploaded files.

Nevertheless, if something was detected incorrectly, you can easily fix that. To make the client correctly recognize uploader path, you can specify it manually using the urlUploader parameter. For correct generation of embedding links to uploaded files, use the urlFiles option.

Server settings can be found and modified in the config.php file.

PHP version requires some additional standard packages to be installed on your server, they are: GD (to process images) and CURL (to download files from internet by URL). If you have not installed them yet, check your hosting control panel to do it or use Linux console. This is example of Linux command for Ubuntu and any other Debian based Linux:

sudo apt-get install php5-gd php5-curl

Then restart your HTTP server (Apache, Nginx, etc) to apply the changes.