CKEditor add-on
TinyMCE add-on
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To configure CKEditor & TinyMCE Backup use these keys in config.js file.

jsplus_dialog_width: Integer
Default value: 750
Width of the Restore dialog.
jsplus_dialog_height: Integer
Default value: 550
Height of the Restore dialog.
jsplus_backup_save_empty: Boolean
Default value: false
Available values: false, true
Usually you do not want to save empty snapshots, so this options is set to false.
jsplus_backup_interval: Integer
Default value: 30000
The interval in milliseconds to make new snapshot. Plugin does not create equal snapshots so it will not waste storage until document is modified.
jsplus_backup_snapshots_limit: Integer
Default value: 20
The maximum number of snapshots made my the Backup plugin. If timit is exhausted the plugin removed the last backup before creating new.
jsplus_backup_save_before_load: Boolean
Default value: true
Available values: false, true
Make a new snapshot before restoring selected.
jsplus_backup_add_background_in_footer: Boolean
Default value: true
Available values: false, true
CKEditor only. If buttons are in the footer and this parameter is set to true, the buttons will have a typical background which has any of toolbar button groups.
jsplus_backup_add_text_to_load_button: Boolean
Default value: true
Available values: false, true
CKEditor only. Adds Restore title to according toolbar button if true.
jsplus_backup_date_format: String
Default value: [{mmm d, yyyy}, HH:MM]
Defines a format to show a dates in the restore dialog. Use JS Prototype's library dates formatting templates to configure this parameter. Affects to UI only. In addition to this format you can use brackets: {} for substituting text like "This minute" and [] for "Today", "Yesterday", etc..
jsplus_backup_api_key: String
Default value: null
Specify API key to use API of CKEditor & TinyMCE Backup add-on. This option is available to SaaS/OEM/Ultimate license users. To retrieve a key please open support ticket and tell domain name where the add-on is used.