CKEditor config FAQ

CKEditor is great editor with many, many functions, and it is very easy to became confused.
Here is our FAQ with common CKEditor questions (will be updated).

Q: My CKEditor removes tags like div or span. Even when I turn to the source and back.
A: Use this option:

config.allowedContent = true

Q: My editor always return full HTML page instead of a content inside body tag.
A: Use this option:

config.fullPage = false

Q: When I go to the source and back CKEditor removed some tags, e. g. empty span elements.
A: This is default CKEditor's behaviour. To override it use this option in the config:

CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty['span'] = false;

Q: My CKEditor's config.js does not affect to configuration
A: If you are using some CMS (like Drupal) it may have its own plugin to configure CKEditor from administrative panel and self configuration storage file or files. Check your CMS' documentation.

Q: I have installed plugins and my CKEditor became broken, it does not load.
A: You probably have syntax errors in your config.js. Check all semicons, quotes and names of the plugins. Do not forget, that "extra_plugins" value should be separated by "," without any spaces. Also check JS errors related to CKEditor in your browser's debugger. If you still unable to fix the problem please see: plugins installation and debugging manual