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Visual themes for JS+ Dialog

Specifying a skin

JSDialog already has a number of visual themes included to the distributive. You can use them by calling this code before any dialog construction:

JSDialog.Config.skin = 'skin_name';

Use needed name of the skin instead of skin_name value.

Optionally for immediate skin loading (before first show of any dialog) use JSDialog.Config.loadSkin() function.

Available skins

Default skin

Default skin

JSDialog.Config.skin = 'default';

UI theme for almost any website.

Flat skin

Default skin

JSDialog.Config.skin = 'flat';

Skin for modern websites.

Windows 10 skin

Windows 10 skin

JSDialog.Config.skin = 'win10';

Theme for Windows users.

Android skin

Adnroid skin

JSDialog.Config.skin = 'android';

A la Android theme.

Gnome skin

Gnome skin

JSDialog.Config.skin = 'gnome';

Use this for Linux related webapps.

iOS skin

iOS skin

JSDialog.Config.skin = 'ios';

Skin for Apple (iPhone/iPad) fans.

Creating a custom visual theme

If you need to create you own skin, follow this simple instruction:

  1. Copy any of the skin to separate folder inside jsdialog/. The name of a new directory is the name for new skin.
  2. Change CSS file jsdialog.css and images inside it as you wish.
  3. Optionally if the width or height of window borders or title or buttons area, please specify JSDialog.Config.contentBorders parameter (see API docs for contentBorders)
  4. Use the skin by setting JSDialog.Config.skin = 'your_skin_name';