File Manager
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Skinning (visual themes)

The one of amazing features of JS+ File Manager is changing its user interface. The add-on comes with a number of skins and you can choose any of them after JS+ File Manager is installed on your website.

Currently JS+ File Manager has a set skins and their modifications (used in a pair skin+modification) which can be used by using this code in initialization script:

skin: 'skin',
skinMod: 'mod',

Replace the values with skin and its modificator to change it. Each skin has a default modification, so if you want to use it, you are only to redefine skin parameter.

Default theme

This is our theme used by default by all of JS+ products. You cna sure all your apps will look in one style when you use it. Do not reconfigure anything and you will be happy with this visual theme.

File Manager default skin

Flat theme

Another popular theme used by File Manager.

To use it please write to your initialization code: skin: 'flat'

Screenshot of Flat night skin in File Manager
night skin modification (default)
Beautiful like a summer night
Screenshot of Flat sea skin in File Manager
sea skin modification
Blue colors deep as a sea

Business theme

This is the default skin for file manager.

You do not need any changes in your configuation code to use ut. Or write there: skin: 'business'

Business skin screenshot of File Manager
default skin modification
Business theme for your apps.
Business skin screenshot of File Manager
icons2 skin modification
Right the same but with more serious icons set.

Mono theme

This is a clean design theme for JS+ File Manager. It has a number of modifications (color schemes) for it.

To use it please write to your initialization code: skin: 'mono'

Mono blue skin screenshot of File Manager
blue skin modification (default)
Simple but colored
Mono violet skin screenshot of File Manager
violet skin modification
Violet variation
Mono white skin screenshot of File Manager
white skin modification
The best accessibility